Blogue produzido por um freelancer do sector sonoro alternativo , que não desiste de divulgar no éter palavras musicais do mundo underground, traduzidas em sons no programa de Rádio " O CANTO E O GELO " , editado no RCP , 91.8 Mhz ,desde 2002.NÃO SIGAS O REBANHO...
1 John Cale-Taking Your Life In Your Hands 4,46 2 Bitchin Bajas And Bonnie 'Prince' Billy-May Life Throw You a Pleasant Curve 3,13 3 Dustin Tebbutt-Where I Find You 4,26 4 Tortoise-Yonder Blue 3,19 5 Vast-Be With Me 3,40 6 Charlie Hilton-Something For Us All 3,50 7 M.Ward-Time Won't Wait Up 2,48 8 M.Ward-Confession 3,14 9 Cult-In Blood 4,48 10 Teleman-Dusseldorf 3,46 11 Sennen-First Light 8,14 12 Greycoats-John Glenn Blues 4,47 13 Suuns-UN-NO 3,44
1 Scott Orr-By The Way 3,47 2 Sivert Hoyem-My Thieving Heart (Feat. Marie Munroe) 4,11 3 Get Well Soon-It's A Tender Maze 5,02 4 Cross Record-Two Rings 3,39 5 David Bowie-Lazarus 6,22 6 Fine Points-Astral Season 4,21 7 Paper Morning-Mad As A Hat(30th Century Records) 4,48 8 The Crookes-Godless Girl 3,43 9 Miner-Better Instincts 4,03 10 Old Man Canyon-Back To The Start 3,58 11 Dunes-Disappearing 3,42 12 Shores-Hale And Hearty 6,15
1 Bill Pritchard-Saturn And Co. 2,56 2 Marble Sounds-K.V. 3,37 3 This Is The Kit-Magic Spell (Paris Sessions) 3,51 4 Shearwater-Radio Silence 6,38 5 Mystery Jets-Saturnine 6,21 6 Cage The Elephant-Too Late To Say Goodbye 4,12 7 The Snails-Shoebox 3,36 8 Magic Wands-Love Soldier 6,16 9 Car Seat Headrest-Times To Die 6,50 10 Crescendo-Haunted 3,33 11 Shores-Murderer [Low] 4,07