Blogue produzido por um freelancer do sector sonoro alternativo , que não desiste de divulgar no éter palavras musicais do mundo underground, traduzidas em sons no programa de Rádio " O CANTO E O GELO " , editado no RCP , 91.8 Mhz ,desde 2002.NÃO SIGAS O REBANHO...
1-Knife In The Water-Beware A Holy Whore 4.33 2-The Wilderness Of Manitoba-Bridgen Fair 4.12 3-Case.Lang.Veirs-Supermoon 3.48 4-Shannon Wright-Ribbons Of You 3.03 5-Chris Bathgate-Northern Country Trail 6.38 6-Moses Luster-Come Along With Us 2.54 7-Hugo Race And Michelangelo Russo-The World Today 3.49 8-The National-The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness 3.57 9-Pumarosa-Dragonfly 4.42 10-Evols-Father Death 4.48 11-Syd Arthur-Coal Mine 4.29 12-Gizzly Bear-Mourning Sound 4.22 13-Girlpool-Sleepless 2.50
1-Tom McRae-Mermaid Blues 4.55 2-The Prayer Boat-In My Arms Again 5.06 3-Rufus Wainwright-Foolish Love 5.46 4-Portishead-Roads 5.11 5-Rosie Thomas-I Run 4.07 6-Tindersticks-Let´s Pretend 3.22 7-Midnight Choir-Will You Carry Me Across The Water? 4.14 8-Idaho-Levitate 5.25 9-To Kill A King-Choices 6.28 10-The National-Sorrow 3.25 11-Yuko-The Idealist 2.39 12-The Walkmen-Stop Talking 4.08
1-CTM-The Way A Mouth Is A Mouth 1.56 2-Father John Misty-Two Wildy Different Perspectives 3.14 3-Feist-Lost Dreams 5.18 4-Alejandro Escovedo-Redemption Blues 3.31 5-The Wild Reeds-Fall To Sleep 4.31 6-Emma Ruth Rundle-Medusa 5.20 7-Jaye Jayle-About Time You Came To Me 4.08 8-To Kill A King-The Good Old Days 3.40 9-Dirty Projectors-Litte Bubble 5.05 10-Grizzly Bear-Three Rings 4.48 11-Blonde Redhead-3 O´Clock 4.25 12-Son Lux-Dangerous 4.53 13-Tim Bowness-Kill The Pain That´s Killing You 3.44
1-Sivu-Childhood House 4.00 2-Sivu-Lonesome 5.16 3-Luke Sital-Singh-American Girl 2.56 4-P J Harvey-A Dog Called Money 2.27 5-Feist-Get Not High,Get Not Low 4.58 6-Elbow-Trust The Sun 5.55 7-Junip-Line Of Fire 5.39 8-The Afghan Whigs-Birdland 2.50 9-Meursault-The Mill 5.04 10-Kashmir-Piece Of The Sun 5.27 11-Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin-Since You Stole My Heart 2.09 12-King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard-Nuclear Fusion 4.17 13-The Suitcase Junket-Mountain Of Mind 3.45