Blogue produzido por um freelancer do sector sonoro alternativo , que não desiste de divulgar no éter palavras musicais do mundo underground, traduzidas em sons no programa de Rádio " O CANTO E O GELO " , editado no RCP , 91.8 Mhz ,desde 2002.NÃO SIGAS O REBANHO...
1-The Unthanks-What Can A Song Do For You? 4.52 2-Peter Broderick-Take Me Back 5.10 3-Kevin Morby-Come To Me Now 4.51 4-Sam Amidon-Juma Mountain 3.38 5-The Parson Red Heads-Please Come Save Me 4.39 6-Big Thief-Shark Smile 3.59 7-Beach Fossils-Saint Ivy 3.44 8-Horse Thief-Another Youth 4.22 9-Echobelly-Hey Hey Hey 3.59 10-The Wands-Faces 4.17 11-The Loom-I Am Not Young 5.22 12-Pumarosa-Honey 4.58
1-Mount Eerie-Forest Fire 4.15 2-Sorority Noise-Either Way 2.28 3-Foxing-The Magdalene 4.01 4-Vagabon-Fear & Force 3.34 5-Alt-J-Adeline 5.50 6-The Notwist-Gone Gone Gone 2.54 7-Michael Chapman-A Spanish Incident ( Ramón and Durango) 5.05 8-Horsebeach-Alone 4.22 9-Banks And Steelz-Who Needs The World 5.10 10-The Jesus And Mary Chain-Song For A Secret 3.22 11-Alek Rein-Vermillion Bird Of The South 5.42 12-Justice-New Lands 4.15 13-Royal Blood-Figure It Out 3.04
ECOS DO PRIMAVERA SOUND 2017 1-Bon Iver-Lump Sum 3.21 2-Cigarettes After Sex-Apocalypse 4.50 3-Hamilton Leithauser-5:00 AM 4-Julien Baker-Funeral Pyre 4.39 5-Weyes Blood-Used To Be 4.33 6-Angel Olsen-Hearted Shaped Face 5.32 7-Rodrigo Leão & Scott Matthew-Enemies 3.30 8-The Growlers-Naked Kids 3.51 9-Cymbals Eat Guitars-Close 4.17 10-The Black Angels-Life Song 6.30 11-Pond-Allergies 4.28 12-King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard-Big Fig Wasp 4.55 13-Wand-Paintings Are Dead 1.45 Podcast em :