O Canto e o Gelo 22.12.2023-Ilustrações Sonoras Pedagógicas de 2023 - Vol.1-RCP 91.8 MHZ Sextas 23-24 Horas Fotocopiado ao Sábado das 22-23 Horas

O Canto e o Gelo 22.12.2023-Ilustrações Sonoras Pedagógicas de 2023 - Vol.1

1-Princess Goes-Jetpack-Come Of Age
2-Grian Chatten-Fairlies-Chaos For The Fly
3-Blonde Redhead-Snowman-Sit Down For Dinner
4-Drop Nineteens-Gal-Hard Light
5-Slowdive-alife-everything is alive
6-Breeze-Ready For Love-Sour Grapes
7-Do Nothing-Nerve-Snake Sideways
8-Dakota 66-Bubble-If Not Now, When 
9-Reverend And The Makers-A Letter To My 21 Year Old Self-Heatwave In The Cold North
10-bdrmm-We Fall Appart-I Don´t Know
11-IST IST-Emily-Protagonists
12-Hey Colossus-Can´t Feel Around Us-In Blood
13-Ghost Woman-Highly Unlikely-Hindsight Is 50/50

Álbuns a itálico

Podcast em : https://www.radioclube-penafiel.pt/o-canto-e-o-gelo

Do Nothing


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